Friday 30 July 2010

28-30 july 2010 up goes the walls

even with our new arrival the work must go on, after all we love our home but it is just a 3 bed house, and now when all our kids are here there is 6 of them, so we are lets say desperate for the 2 new bedrooms in the garage.

what can i say apart from thank god i found CB Groundworks. Recommended by Collier and Catchpole (where I get my materials from) I have found someone who I can work with and together with, who I can trust and have a joke with. He is a dam hard worker and does a gr8 job. 3 days hard work and we have almost completed all the external brickwork. Still got to do the lintel and brickwork over the windows, but the internal blockwork has to be done 1st to provide the strength. also the ground slab still has to be layed, thats next week, so when thats done, up goes the blocks and the brickwork should be done, watch this space.

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